Sunday, 15 April 2012

In My Mailbox [37]

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren, this week I'm also going to share my reading pile so I am also giving credit to Fiktshun for this.

For review:
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Got this last week and...yeah, it was fantastic. As some of you may know, I did work experience at HarperCollins which finished on Friday and the amazing Rosi let me have my blogger copy of Insurgent early! I also got to help with the planning of #InsurgentUK and got all the blogger copies ready to be sent out over the next few weeks. It was so awesome to be involved with what is literally my most anticipated book of 2012. 
Bringing the Summer by Julia Green
I'm glad I was sent this one because I am trying to read more contemporary and it's set in the UK! So that's awesome.

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter
I read this from Netgalley and really enjoyed it, so I bought this and the sequel on Amazon. Sequel hasn't arrived yet sadly, but I'm hoping it  will tomorrow!

Bought from the HarperCollins book shop:
Let me tell you about this book shop. It's based in HC headquarters, hidden away, and only opens at lunchtime...but the books are TWENTY FIVE PENCE EACH. I'm not kidding. Well, the hardbacks cost more, but the paperbacks are 25p. Thankfully no one told me about it until my final day or I think I would have bought ALL THE BOOKS. But I got
Wicked Lovely Hardback
The cover on mine ripped so I bougt a replacement This HB cost £2.16 which is still ridiculously cheap
25p paperbacks:
Divergent with the new cover by Veronica Roth
Looking for Alaska by John Green
Slide by Jill Hathaway

Huge thanks to Rosi from HCCB both for Insurgent and for my amazing work experience AND for bowing to my enthusiastic demands for something special for the Insurgent release. You were awesome. Thanks also to Bloomsbury and the HC book shop. 

On my reading pile this week:

I don't usually do this, but last week I re-read the ENTIRE Night Huntress series, that's 6 books in 7 days,  so I feel I need a little direction. Therefore, this week I am aiming to read:

Graveminder by Melissa Marr
A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda

If I get through those I also want to read
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

What's in your mailboxes this week? And whether you make a reading pile or not, what books are you hoping to get round to this week? Let me know in the comments! 

**If you're in the UK be sure to check out my Facebook giveaway for a signed proof copy of A Witch in Love by Ruth Warburton**


  1. Well, we're hoping that Insurgent will get round to us so that we can get round to it! Lucky girl :)

  2. Great Mailbox! There's a few there I'll have to add to my wishlist!

    Here's my post:

  3. Great books! I'm a little jealous you have Insurgent ;)

  4. So jealous of Insurgent!! And about that Harpercollins shop 25p for a paperback?!? O_O

  5. You will be busy! Enjoy your reads.

  6. Wow! Sounds like you had a great work experience! I still haven't read DIVERGENT but it is on my TBR mountain. I am planning to read THE HUNT next week too. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  7. Great mailbox!

    The Harper Collins book shop sounds amazing!!

  8. I want to go to the Harper Collins book shop! Really! I go the Julia Green one too. Also about to start Insurgent...

  9. 25P???????????? Lucky you! All your books look fab, enjoy :)

    BYW, INSURGENT???????????!!!!!!!! I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!!

  10. Ohhh Wicked Lovely sounds good. I hope you enjoy all your books this week!


  11. holy crap, I had no idea you did work experience with HC! I'm a little jealous. HarperCollins is one of my favorite publishers, and it would be so amazing to work with them! and lucky you for INSURGENT!! gah, I can't WAIT for that one! I loved Divergent. SO GOOD.


    my IMM.

  12. Wow your work experience at HarperCollins sounds amazeballs! Especially the book shop! And Insurgent and getting to work on it! How exciting and what an experience to be able to do that for a much loved series! Can't wait for my copy of Insurgent to arrive THANKS TO YOU FORCING DIVERGENT ON ME LAST YEAR!!! ;) Hope you enjoy your books this week!

  13. AMAZING haul!! I'm so envious of that copy of Insurgent - I need it so bad!!

    And you got to work at HC WOW that must have been EPIC!!!

    Enjoy all your reads!

  14. Great haul! INSURGENT!!!! SQUEEEE I loved Slide and I'd Tell You I Loved You(Gallagher Girls) series is awesome. I also need to read The Hunt soon. I'd also love to read Jellicoe Road. Happy reading!
    My IMM

  15. Great set! Yay for Gallagher Girls. I love the series. Hope you get to Jellicoe Road this week. Be patient with it. It takes a long time to click.
    My IMM

  16. Insurgent! Lucky! Your work experience sounds amazing, I hope to do a fortnight with them soon as well.
    Slide is a really great book (and 25p- bargain!)

  17. I loved Graveminder -- different but good. You got lots of great books -- and Insurgent!! Yea! Happy Reading!

    My IMM

  18. My mind is just kind of stuck on the idea of a bookshop with paperbacks for TWENTY FIVE PENCE. That is so awesome! I'm quite proud of you for showing that much restraint and only buying 4 books, Cait! *applauds*

    AND OMG AH AH AHHHHHH INSURGENT!! Seeing people start to feature this in their IMMs and post reviews and all that fun stuff is just really making me realize how close the release date is! I'm sooo glad you enjoyed it :D

    Oooh, interested to see what you think of A Touch Mortal! It was a DNF for me (unfortunately!) but I know so many people that loved it. I just didn't find ANY of the elements of it appealing to be honest. I can definitely see why others would though! :) Different tastes, I guess. So anyways, yeah. Curious.

    Happy reading! <3


  19. It's so great you did work experience at Harper Collins! I need a 25p bookshop near me - that's just awesome! :) Awesome haul for you this week Cait. And I can't wait for you to read Jellicoe Road. That is one of my all time favourite books!

  20. INSURGENT!!!!!!! Aaaa, it's so awesome that you can work at Harper Collins! :D What a great IMM this week, Cait! I hope you enjoy every single books you got this week and happy reading! ♥

  21. I didn't know how much 25p was in Canadian dollars so I had to look it up... I think (?) it's like $2.00. So... ARE YOU CRAZY CAIT? YOU SHOULD HAVE BOUGHTZ ALL DA BOOKS! Errrr, or wait, you did say that the trip cost you something like 500 pounds right? O.o Oh yeah... ;)

    Anyways, like we talked about on Twitter yay for Insurgent! Luckily the rest of us don't have to wait too, too long (according to the countdown here on your blog 14 days! ;)

    1. Haha! It was more the fact they just would not have fitted in my suitcase....

  22. so totally jealous of you still because of Insurgent! I want! :( lol I can't wait to read it!
    Anyway. I hope you love all your other books too! I need to buy myself a new copy of Divergent too!

  23. INSURGENT INSURGENT INSURGENT INSURGENT INSURGENT *squeals at you* INSURRRRRRRRRGENT!!! Yeah, no matter how many times I see that appear anywhere, I still get excited :D

    It sounds like you had an AMAZING time interning at Harper. And not JUST because of Insurgent... but hello ridiculously cheap book shop!! Well yes, aside from book buying, it sounds like an incredible experience too :D So happy for you!

    I must check out Graveminder, since I so enjoyed the Wicked Lovely series and shamefully I have yet to read a single Melina Marchetta book. Australia is disowning me ;(


  24. Very jealous you did work experience in HC and if I actually lived closer to London and not miles away in Liverpool I would be at their shop every day of the wee..books for pennies *faints*

    Anyway back to IMM, awesome haul this week. I have looking for Alaska myself waiting to be read, and I also got Bringing the Summer which I can't wait to start. Still waiting for Insurgent to arrive ;)

    My IMM:


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