Monday 9 July 2012

Guest Post: Why don't we read more Contemporary YA?

So today I have an awesome guest post from Faye of A Daydreamer's Thoughts. I was amazed when Faye sent me the post because she's perfectly captured thoughts I think a lot of us bloggers share! I hope you enjoy Faye's post as much as I did.


When I first heard that Cait and Liz would be devoting a whole month to Contemporary YA, I was really intrigued. The reason for this is simple; I don’t read enough of the genre. I also feel that it is a genre that is somewhat frowned upon, as though it isn’t as great or powerful as some of the other genres within YA lit, or even within Adult lit. While this may not be true, if it is, it is truly disheartening. There is absolutely nothing wrong with contemporary literature, YA or otherwise, and I feel that it is something that just needs a little more exposure.

Perhaps it is just the circle that I walk around in, or just because it is – at the moment – more popular but I have seen a lot of hype surrounding dystopian YA or fantasy YA but very little surrounding contemporary YA. But why? Why do bloggers side-step this genre and not feel as crazy about it? Or why do publishing houses feel it necessary to put less effort into publicizing their contemporary novels than their novels of more “popular” genres?

I believe that the reason for this is because love of dystopian and fantasy is new(er), it is current, it is what is being talked about right now. For this generation, it is completely and utterly about the worlds that are out of our reach, the ones full of creativity and imagination that go beyond our wildest dreams that we want to read. Because surely an author who can think up a world that is falling apart at the seams deserves more hype than an author who writes about the world as it is today. I definitely have to disagree with this. I feel that both genres deserve the hype and I feel that contemporary literature really needs some help to get back into the spotlight.

Because it hasn’t always been in the shadows, has it?

Growing up I was surrounded by it with authors like Jacqueline Wilson and Malorie Blackman running the show. Of course there was still Phillip Pullman and J. K. Rowling to bring about the fantasy hype but they didn’t overpower contemporary literature. Nowadays, I know that I barely glance at contemporary literature because I just don’t see the hype for it. Why would I choose to buy a book I’ve barely heard about over a book that so many of my blogger friends have raved over? It is this, especially on my part, that needs to stop. Contemporary YA needs a chance to survive alongside all the other YA genres.

The real problem I have is that I really enjoy Contemporary YA when I read it. I often put it off, preferring to dive into a world that is completely detached from this one but I couldn’t exactly tell you why. I know that when I jump the gun and read a book that is a contemporary I usually find it to be an easy and fascinating read. This stories are always heavily focused on the characters and the drama of real life troubles and therefore they can really pack a punch. One author notorious for this is John Green but it was only recently that I even read one of his books because even with his hype, it still never occurred to me to actually read his books.

So what is the point of this guest post today?

The point is to urge you (and me) to start reading more contemporary literature. Use this month to explore all there is for contemporary YA to offer us and then go out there, purchase some great books and get stuck in. I, for one, will certainly be trying to read at least one contemporary YA book a month, if not more, just to balance out my genres a bit more. You never know how much you may love the genre, or how much it may teach you about the very world in which you exist. And isn’t that, after all, what we should really be looking for in the books we read?

Lastly, I want to thank Cait and Liz for hosting me today and for their month of contemp YA!



Be sure to stop by Liz's blog today because she's reviewing the 5th Gallagher Girls book by Ally Carter, one of our favourite Contemp authors!!

And don't forget to enter our giveaways, you can win a copy of Shooting Stars (UK only) here, and a complete set of Ally Carter books or a Contemp book of your choice here


  1. Awesome post Faye! I've recently started reading more contemporary. I didn't for a long time because they felt like the same thing over and over (which is what dystopia is starting to feel like to me) but now I think there's a lot more variety. I've actually started to seek out contemporaries, rather than waiting for them to fall on my lap.
    But I definitely think you're write about the detachment that other genres offer (this is why I do love my fantasies!)

    1. Thank you Hannah!
      I totally agree on the dystopian thought too, but I still think there are some gems out there! But I'm glad you have found variety in contemp ya!
      I think just reading many different genres is a great thing!


  2. I feel like jumping up and shouting, AMEN! Nice post, Faye. I admit I'm always drawn to the paranormal/fantasy/supernatural YA books because of the cool sounding plots but the truth is, I usually end up hating them. I pretty much always love YA contemporary. Now that I've discovered this about myself, I try to read a lot more of it.

    1. Thanks Jenny, I'm glad you liked it.
      And I totally agree, synopsis' could sound great but then the execution isn't always up to par which is just a shame!
      Yay for trying to read more! *high five*


  3. Fab post! I agree - I tend to get excited over dystopian and fantasy because that's what's being discussed now and has the most hype surrounding it. But I do believe contemp should deserve just as much hype, and I am definitely trying to read more :).

    1. Thanks Liz! :-)
      Yay for reading more contemp! Time to give it some well-deserved loving! xD


  4. Thank you so much Cait for posting this and I am so glad I managed to capture your thoughts too :-)


  5. You never know how much you may love the genre, or how much it may teach you about the very world in which you exist. And isn’t that, after all, what we should really be looking for in the books we read?

    THIS. I agree with this sentiment whole-heartedly! YA Contemporary books are the ones that make me laugh and cry the most, and leave me feeling SO MUCH long after I finish them. BEFORE I FALL is one of my favorites because it really opened my eyes and made me look at my own life!

  6. What a wonderful guest post, and I completely agree!

  7. This was a great post. I think I do the same thing. I love contemporary books when I read them, but I seem to put them off for something else. Something that takes me to a different world or different time. When I read a contemporary book though, I am lost in the book for a whole different reason. I am wrapped up in the characters and what they are going through. Not that that doesn't happen with other genres too, but it is more the focus in contemporary books. After finishing a great one I always ask myself why I don't read more.

  8. I rarely read contemporary - mostly because I just don't know what to read. It's also been my personal experience that I either love or hate contemporary books - they are rarely just "eh" for me. In other genres I can read a book and go "eh, it wasn't awesome but I don't feel like I wasted my time". For some reason, in contemporary (adult or YA) I always either think it was totally amazing or it was awful. This polar reaction makes me hesitant to just try out books the way I do in other genres. With contemporary I always wait for a recommendation from a trusted reader.

  9. This post mirrors my thoughts EXACTLY, especially Faye's second last paragraph. That is ME. So often I put off reading a contemporary novel in favour of other genres, because I just don't think it will be as mind-blowing as that fantasy or dystopian. But when I DO read it... I fall so madly in love. Like when Anna was first released, there was actually quite a lot of hype from what I remember, but I kind of ignored it because I had a habit of overlooking contemps. Then I finally gave it ago and OH. MY. GOD. My heart swelled to impossible size. This happens SO often with every contemporary I read. I never expect a book I'll love as much as a different genre, but I find I maybe even love it MORE.

    Brilliant post!

  10. Great post, have to completely agree, there is much more hype for other genres and there needs to be a bit more of a push for contemps I think! :)


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