Monday, 24 June 2013

Where've I been all your life (month)?

I know you've all been sat there, wringing your hands and fretting, wondering where I've gotten to. Well wonder no more. I didn't drop of the face off the planet. If you read this post you'll know that I got a new job, my dream job, in London working in children's publishing. I made the decision to take a step back from blogging when I found out I got the job; partly because I had a LOT of stuff to organise, partly because I wanted to spend time with my friends and family before I ABANDONED THEM FOREVER (/dramatics) and partly because I wanted to evaluate how blogging will fit in with my new career.

I'm not leaving. I enjoy blogging too much to do that, but I am making some changes to avoid any possible conflict of interests that could occur. 

This is just a quick update to let you know where I am and that I will be back! I have a hectic few weeks lined up, but you can expect me back fully sometime in July :)


  1. So jealous of your new job - hope it's great and good luck! :D

  2. Good luck with your new job, Cait! It's such a great opportunity and I'm rather jealous!

  3. Glad you're continuing with blogging! And hope you're enjoying your new job :).

  4. YAY, Cait! I'd miss you if you stopped blogging entirely. Find out what works for YOU, chica, and don't feel bad about it. The new job sounds fab.


Thanks to blogger making it easy for us to reply to comments I will now be replying where possible, so if you comment be sure to check back! =]