Sunday, 1 July 2012

Contemporary Summer Launch!

July is here, bringing us the final week of Wimbledon (sob Nadal sob), the start of the OLYMPICS in the UK (wooo!), the next installment of the Drake Chronicles and of course, most exciting of all the launch of mine and Planet Print's event CONTEMPORARY SUMMER!

Neither me nor Liz feel we read enough contemporary, so we've dedicated an entire month to the genre! There's still time for you to get involved by emailing me (caitlinhlomasATgmailDOTcom) with your recommendations for the following categories:

Favourite Contemporary Reads Ever
Most Underrated Contemporary Reads
Favourite/Most Anticipated 2012 Contemporary Reads.

But the particpation doesn't stop there...all through July you will be able to nominate your 10 absolute favourite contemporary YA books, and then at the end of the month we will add up ALL the nominations to provide a top 10 ranking! All you need to do is fill in the form below. You don't have to nominate 10, but that is the maximum, and you can only fill the form in once so think carefully about your choices!

And of course, you can enter our wonderful GIVEAWAYS!

First up for grabs for you fellow UKers out there is...A COMPLETE SET OF ALLY CARTER BOOKS (Gallagher Girls 1-4 *signed* Gallagher Girls 5, Heist Society and Uncommon Criminals) both me and Liz ADORE Ally Carter, so we think this is a suuuuuper amazing prize and we want to say a HUGE thank you to Victoria at Hachette Children's Books for providing us with it.  All you need to do is fill in the Rafflecopter widget below:

And then, for all you international loves, we have a 'Contemporary Book of Your Choice' (up to the value of £10) giveaway! Again, just fill in the Rafflecopter widget:

And there we have it my bloggy darlings!! Be sure to come back tomorrow for a rundown of my Pre-Blogging Top Ten Fave Contemporary YA Books!


  1. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I'm really looking forward to all of the Contemporary Summer stuff :D

  2. I can't wait to see what the top ten will be. I need to think for a little bit before voting on mine. I have started reading more contemporary lately and love it!!

  3. I hope my email with my suggestions got to you and that if you read them you'll like at least one. ;) Happy reading!


    Oooh Olympics! Probably the only sporting events I actually get excited about. Mainly because I know we're going to kick your ass. But we'll hold back a little, we're not cruel, we don't want to embarrass you too much on home turf :P

    Anyway, SO EXCITED FOR CONTEMPORARY SUMMER (though I am freezing my butt off over here). My 10 are locked in an they are awesome and I love them and they better get voted in :D Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

    1. How creepy is it that Brodie and I both had almost identical responses? O_O SHE IS DOING SOMETHING TO MY BRAIN AND I AM AFRAID.

  5. Im catching up on blog posts and Im so behind so Ive only just found out about this! looks awesome! good luck with the month!!


Thanks to blogger making it easy for us to reply to comments I will now be replying where possible, so if you comment be sure to check back! =]